The magazine of the forest sector

Issue 67 | June

Publicado em 29 de February de 2020

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

The year of 2020 remains challenging and the consequences of the current scenario are still hard to foresee. Exchange rate instability, the economic impact of the Covid-19 prevention measures and a political crisis challenge the Brazilian industry. This is the time for the forestry sector to show what it does best: face crises with great resilience, intelligence and operational efficiency.
The flow of information cannot stop, and so this month’s edition of B.Forest is packed with a series of special articles, starting from our four main guests: Alexandre Chueri, Executive Forest Manager at Suzano; Adriana Maugeri, president of the Minas Gerais Forestry Association; Wilson Andrade, president of the Bahia Forestry Association; and Nelson Barboza Leite, director of Teca and Daplan, a professional with decades of silviculture experience. Each interview deals with different themes, providing an interesting look at the current state of our forestry sector.
Moreover, this edition brings you articles on relevant forestry topics. The first is an analysis of the current status of telemetry technologies used in silviculture and timber harvesting. The second is a discussion on the current trend of conversion of forest lands to agriculture and public policies that could possibly revert this tendency. Last but not least, we have news on wood handling in Brazil and a brief overview of the tall oil market. Don’t miss it!

Ricardo Malinovski
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