The magazine of the forest sector

Edição 69 | August

Publicado em 31 de March de 2020

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

In order for Brazil to remain one of the major players in the world of cultivated forests (an increasingly important economic activity in a scenario of greater appreciation of economic and environmental sustainability), it is necessary that Brazilian forestry projects continue to count on excellent planning methods.
The continuity of our cultivated forests is the subject of the two main articles in this edition. The first article discusses the topic of forest maintenance, addressing the current techniques, technologies and molecules used to control weeds, providing an overview of the future of these operations, which are essential to maintaining our high productivity rates. In turn, the second article has as its theme governance and compliance in the Brazilian forestry sector, with the participation of some of the biggest players in the industry, which explain how compliance is applied in practice and how it raises the level of professionalism in our forestry market.
In addition, we have very special guests in our collection of interviews opening this issue. This month, the main interviews discuss topics such as management and skills in the 21st century, the current status of the forestry sector in Mato Grosso do Sul and a history of the evolution of technologies and management techniques in Brazilian forest engineering. Don’t miss it!

Ricardo Malinovski
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