The magazine of the forest sector

Edition 75 | January/February

Publicado em 18 de February de 2021

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

Dear friends and B.Forest readers,

When we published the first issue of this magazine, in October 2014, it would have been impossible to find a single specialist or market analyst who could have predicted the major challenges that we’d all encounter in 2020 and 2021. Discussions on the social, cultural and economic impacts of the pandemic on the whole planet have become so common in our current reality that the farther we get from the pre-Covid world, the more the “New normal” is seen as just “normal”.
This doesn’t mean that the challenges caused by these transformations are already solved, and it is still difficult to say when we will be able to say that the pandemic has effectively been defeated. In the meantime, what we can do is look at the market and analyze what we are doing best.
This month’s special articles discuss issues that are very important for the Brazilian forestry sector: the mechanization and automation of silviculture operations and the liberation of the purchase of rural land in Brazil by foreign companies. Moreover, this month’s special guest is Malu Pinto e Paiva, Suzano’s Executive Director of Sustainability, who talked to us about the concept of innovability (innovation in the service of sustainability) and its applications for the cultivated forest sector.
The first B.Forest of 2021 is also the beginning of a new age: from now on, in order to maximize our impact and uptodateness of our magazine, B.Forest will now be published every two months. And there’s more on the way – don’t miss it!

Ricardo Malinovski
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